Are you a bold believer or a sideline saint? To charge ahead into the last days as bold believers, we must understand who we are in Christ, what we are assigned to do, the environment we are working in, and what roadblocks we should remain alert for. It isn’t always pretty, but this world is our assignment, and it’s ours for the taking. It’s ours to transform for Jesus! Your moment has come to be bold for the Kingdom of Heaven. Don’t hold back for anything or anyone! No devil in hell has the power to stop you, and spiritually dead people don’t have an opinion anyway. You’re not a poser; you’re a child of God. You were born to raze hell and destroy the works of the devil. Live like today is your last. Seize every opportunity to win souls for Jesus because heaven is watching. Your days as a spiritual spectator are officially over. It’s time to be bold as a lion!
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